Care providers questions/queries to the council

At this critical time, we want to ensure the best possible exchange of information between the county council and our social care providers.

Please use this form to direct all general queries on our response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

General queries include:

  • Information regarding government or other national (e.g. NHS, CQC) guidance
  • The county council's implementation of such guidance or any other localised responses
  • General questions about COVID 19 impact on our services, equipment (e.g. personal protective equipment or PPE), contract management (including finance) or emergency planning

Using this single communication channel helps us better coordinate the flow of important information to and from providers and makes sure we are delivering a consistent message. It will also free up resources that can be dedicated to urgent and/or specific queries about an individual service or service user, which will be dealt with via established channels.

All queries submitted will be reviewed at the end of each working day.

* indicates that you must supply an answer